Heatmap (gmaps-heatmap
The Heatmap is a great way to show fuzzy data in a colorful way.
relies on the additional visualization library. You can see how to include that in Configuration.
Simple Use (demo)
<div style="height: 500px">
<gmaps-heatmap :data="data" />
import { defineComponent } from 'vue';
import { gmapsMap, gmapsHeatmap } from 'v3-gmaps';
export default defineComponent({
components: { gmapsMap, gmapsHeatmap },
setup() {
const data = {
{ lat: 37, lng: 56 },
{ lat: 15, lng: 108 },
return { data }
Props | Type | Default | Description |
options* | GmapsHeatmapOptions | - | Object used to define the properties of a gmaps-heatmap . |
data | GmapsWeightedPosition[] | - | Sets the Heatmap data points. |
* To see all of the possible options, have a look at the Google Maps HeatmapLayerOptions interface.
Event | Type | Description |
mounted | google.maps.visualization.HeatmapLayer | On mounted the component will emit the Google Maps object it represents. |
unmounted | google.maps.visualization.HeatmapLayer | On unmounted the component will emit the Google Maps object it represents. |
- While regular
({ lat, lng }
) data points can be used, the Heatmap can also use weighted points:{ lat, lng, weight }
which can add an extra dimension to your data.