Heatmap (gmaps-heatmap)

The Heatmap is a great way to show fuzzy data in a colorful way.


gmaps-heatmap relies on the additional visualization library. You can see how to include that in Configuration.

Simple Use (demo)

  <div style="height: 500px">
    <gmaps-heatmap :data="data" />

import { defineComponent } from 'vue';
import { gmapsMap, gmapsHeatmap } from 'v3-gmaps';

export default defineComponent({
  components: { gmapsMap, gmapsHeatmap },
  setup() {
    const data = {
      { lat: 37, lng: 56 },
      { lat: 15, lng: 108 },
    return { data }


options*GmapsHeatmapOptions-Object used to define the properties of a gmaps-heatmap.
dataGmapsWeightedPosition[]-Sets the Heatmap data points.

* To see all of the possible options, have a look at the Google Maps HeatmapLayerOptions interface.


mountedgoogle.maps.visualization.HeatmapLayerOn mounted the component will emit the Google Maps object it represents.
unmountedgoogle.maps.visualization.HeatmapLayerOn unmounted the component will emit the Google Maps object it represents.


  • While regular GmapsPosition ({ lat, lng }) data points can be used, the Heatmap can also use weighted points: { lat, lng, weight } which can add an extra dimension to your data.