# Marker


Markers are placed within Maps and can take many options (opens new window). A position option is required within the options prop or as its own prop.

This component supports the following events:

  • @move returns new position { lat, lng }
  • @click returns event
  • @double-click returns event
  • @right-click returns event
  • @drag returns event
  • @dragend returns event
  • @dragstart returns event
  • @positionChanged (depreciated) returns new position
Props Type Default Description
options* Object - Type: google.maps.MarkerOptions
icon String / Object - Marker icon URL / Icon Interface (opens new window)
label String / Object - Marker label text / Label Interface (opens new window)
opacity Number 1.0 Opacity of the marker
position Object - { lat: number, lng: number } (Type: google.maps.LatLngLiteral)
sensitivity Number 0.001 Changes movement sensitivity to save processing when there are a lot of items on the map
title String - Marker title (shown on hover)
visible Boolean true If marker is visible
zIndex Number - Override position in DOM

* If you want to change values on the fly, use the named props instead of within the options prop. Changing named props will trigger an update.

    <gmaps-marker v-for="(item, i) in items" :key="i" :options="item.options" />

  import { gmapsMap, gmapsMarker } from 'x5-gmaps'

  export default {
    components: { gmapsMap, gmapsMarker },
    data: () => ({
      items: [
        { options: { position: { lat: -27.41, lng: 153.01 } } },
        { options: { position: { lat: -27.42, lng: 153.02 } } },
        { options: { position: { lat: -27.48, lng: 153.08 } } },
        { options: { position: { lat: -27.49, lng: 153.09 } } },