# Cluster



This component is at a proof of concept stage. If you have any issues or suggestions, please create a new issue (opens new window).

While Google Maps does not offer an inbuilt grouping/clustering feature, they recommend using their clustering library (opens new window) for clustering in their clustering tutorial (opens new window).

While this is a great library, it has a few drawbacks:

  • Has some performance limitations for number of points
  • Has no Vue support (like the rest of Google Maps)
  • Was rather large in size for what it does (IMO)
  • Required additional dependencies
  • Porting it into x5-gmaps was not pretty

So I made my own:

    <gmaps-cluster :items="items" :options="options" />

  import { gmapsMap, gmapsCluster } from 'x5-gmaps';

  export default {
    components: { gmapsMap, gmapsCluster },
    data: () => ({
      options: {...},
      items: [
        { lat: -27.41, lng: 153.01 },
        { lat: -27.42, lng: 153.02 },
        { lat: -27.48, lng: 153.08 },
        { lat: -27.49, lng: 153.09 },


Things to know:

  • The items given to the cluster component must have a lat and lng number property.
  • The following optional item props are for the individual point markers (when zoomed in enough):
  • The only event presently supported by items is @click; which returns either the optional item id, or else the item position as a google.maps.LatLng.
  • If you click on a cluster, it will zoom into the center of that cluster.

# Props

The only props the cluster component currently takes are items, options, and zoom-on-click.

zoom-on-click stops the cluster from zooming in when clicked. This can be useful when you want to listen to the click event without zooming in.

options is an object with any of the following you want to override:

Props Type Default Description
minZoom Number -1 Zoom level further clustering is disabled (-1 to always cluster)
maxZoom Number 8 Zoom level clustering is disabled
lowPercentage Number 3 Percentage of items in a cluster in a cluster to mark it as low (blue color)
highPercentage Number 10 Percentage of items in a cluster to mark it as high (red color)
tileSize* Number 0.5 Factor of clustering size

* There is a known issue with this that appears to break the click to zoom function if it is higher than 0.55 🤷‍♂️.