# Heatmap


Heatmaps are placed within Maps and have several props which are derived from Google's Heatmap Options (opens new window). Some are named differently as they have been enhanced/simplified.

Props Type Default Description
items Array/Object required An array of { lat: number, lng: number } (Type: google.maps.LatLngLiteral)
colors Array/String - An array of one or more colors to color heatmap e.g. ['red','#0F0','rgba(0,0,0,0)`]
dissipating Boolean true Specifies whether heatmaps dissipate on zoom
opacity Number 0.6 Opacity of the heatmap
maxIntensity Number - Number of points in one spot to reach "maximum heat" color
radius Number - The radius of influence for each data point, in pixels
weightProp String - The property of items that should be used as the weight (Numbers > 0)

This component does not have any events.

** Note require to include the "visualization" library as described in Deployment

    <gmaps-heatmap :data="items" :opacity="0.8" />

  import { gmapsMap, gmapsHeatmap } from 'x5-gmaps'

  export default {
    components: { gmapsMap, gmapsHeatmap },
    data: () => ({
      items: [
        { lat: -27.41, lng: 153.01 },
        { lat: -27.42, lng: 153.02 },
        { lat: -27.48, lng: 153.08 },
        { lat: -27.49, lng: 153.09 },