# Installation

# Direct Download / CDN

https://unpkg.com/x5-gmaps/x5-gmaps.min.js (opens new window)

Include x5-gmaps after Vue and it will install itself automatically:

<script src="/path/to/vue.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/x5-gmaps.min.js"></script>

# npm

npm install x5-gmaps

This plugin can be installed using Vue.use():

import x5GMaps from 'x5-gmaps';
// Option 1: Just your key
Vue.use(x5GMaps, 'YOUR_GOOGLE_KEY');
// Option 2: With libraries
Vue.use(x5GMaps, { key: 'YOUR_GOOGLE_KEY', libraries: ['places'] });

new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  render: h => h(App)

# TypeScript

If you're using TypeScript, and want to use the Google Maps types, you will need to add the dependency @types/google.maps (opens new window) and make sure your tsconfig.json references the @types node_modules folder:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "typeRoots": [

# Quasar

For Quasar, because you cannot use Vue.use(), in a boot file you can import the default export as 'install' and run that with the Vue instance and options as the parameters:

import { install } from 'x5-gmaps';

export default async ({ Vue }) => {
  install(Vue, 'XXXXXX');
  // install(Vue, { key: "XXXXXX", libraries: ["places"] });

# Transpilation


This plugin is not transpiled! If you want to make it compatible with legacy browsers (e.g. IE), you will need to add this to your vue.config.js file:

module.exports = {
  transpileDependencies: ['x5-gmaps']